Clients ask me
I have twitter and facebook, now what?
There are a few things that we need to consider. These 5 tips should give you real customers. All you need to do then is convert them!
1. Be real!
It sounds stupid but it is “social media” so you have to be real. People want to know what you think, not so much what you are selling. Sign your posts. Give people opinions. Engage with people and conversations. This all leads to number 2.
2. Use punctuation!?
It seems silly but think about where you can use “?” and “!”. Think about it, we use question marks to engage discussion and conversation. So ask a question! Which nicely leads us to the exclamation mark/point. In real life we use this to put emphasis or exclaim something. Talk about something you are passionate about so that you can show people that you mean it!
3. Be Consistant
Think of yourself as a news channel or a news paper. You know that the paper will be out each day/each week etc. Find what your consistency is an stick to that. It is important so that you build a loyal following.
4. Advocate
I mentioned about engaging with people but you can also tell people about other great people, services or businesses. This is something that might take some time but it will pay off when they begin to advocate you to others. Think of the last time you asked “I need a plumber, do you know a good one….”
5. Say thanks, acknowledge names
Each of us likes to hear thanks and most defiantly each of us likes to hear our name. If you respond to any comment, message or anything you should acknowledge their name and give them thanks. “Hi Mary, thanks for your comment/question….”
If all this seems like too much effort, why not get in touch and we can make life easier!